"I'm Hungry."

Today, my day circled around the theme of food. In the morning, I woke up to smell of eggs&spam. (Eh gross.) As my parents had to drive to work, I was left to finish cooking the said eggs&spam. (Eh gross.) Liam gave me 2 chewy bars. So he’s now my new best friend. HAHA. I had spam&eggs for lunch too! Spam&eggs. Eggs&spam.. You know what that reminds me of? GREEN EGGS&HAM! Dr Seuss was a great kids book writer. I want to be a writer too someday. I want to be a lot of things. Dreams are good&can always be achieved! Remember that.

More about food… I learned how to ask a guy out in Japanese today.. 😉 How is that related to food? Well, my sensei told us a story about a lady in her 20s who had just started to learn English in Japan. She had a crush on her Canadian English teacher. She didn’t know how to ask him out…… SO she said “I’m hungry.” They went out to eat after, &that was their first date! Today? They’re married with kids, living in Kamloops.

I love life stories like that. Words as simple as “I’m hungry” can spark true love. I’m so amazed by the power of words. Words are strength. If used correctly, you can make a difference in someone’s life! So, offer a compliment, give words of inspiration&encouragement! &I promise you, you’ll feel the joy in making others happy. We’re all connected on 1 planet. We’re all family. Our ancestors all fought the dinosaurs together at one point. 😉 …Or ran away&used each other as human shields..! Haha, either way, we need to inspire the joy in our communities. Ever seen the movie “Pay it Forward”? If not, you should. You’ll be inspired.

On a funnier note, I ate more eggs in the car!

I’m kinda sorta not very but still enough nervous/worried tomorrow’s Math mid-term! Hopefully I get all 40 multiple choice questions right.. Actually, the exam doesn’t sound too bad now when I put it that way!

During exams, looking up for inspiration, down for desperation, &left to right for information.

JUST KIDDING! I’ve never cheated….except for that one time in gr1.. I’m sorry! LOL I didn’t know any better as a 7 year old… 😦

It snowed. HUGE SNOWFLAKES. …but they’re gone now. 😦

Fact: I can’t ski or snowboard.

Off to karate! HEEEE-YAAAAH! *roundhousekickk*
– Diyyinahhh

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